How to increase blog traffic in 51 easy way 2022

7 Min Read

After creating a blog, the biggest challenge for every blogger is to bring traffic to his blog. No matter how good quality content you publish your blog, but until the traffic will not come to your blog post, then there is no use.

When you write content and no one reads it, then what is the use? Is not it. When there is good traffic on a blog, only then that blogger knows to become revenue from it and at the same time the information given by him helps other people.
In today’s article, I am going to share with you the top ways through which you can bring traffic to your blog. So if you have also created a blog but there is no traffic on your blog, then there is no need to worry.
51 ways to drive traffic to your blog
I have told how to bring traffic to the blog in different categories, so let’s see all the categories one by one, how traffic can be brought with its help.

Through social media

  • Create an account on Twitter for your blog and tweet regular blog posts.
  • Create a Facebook account for your blog and add the URL of your blog in its profile section.
  • Share your blog post on Facebook with the link.
  • Create a profile for your blog on Instagram as well and update the link of your blog in the website in the profile option.
  • Connect with your new followers by welcoming them by messaging and posting on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
  • Create a business account for your blog on Pinterest as well and add a link to your blog.
  • Pin the image of your blog post on Pinterest and also add a link to your blog post in the URL option of the pin.
  • Create a channel for your blog on YouTube and update your blog’s link in the website option.
  • Make the content of your blog post in the form of a video, that is, the information you have given in the form of your post content, record it in the form of a video and publish it on YouTube. Do not forget to add a link to your blog post in the description of the video.
  • Create a linked in page for your blog and add a link by posting your blog in the website option.
  • Share your blog post with the link in the LinkedIn group.
  • If you create or create a page for your blog on any other social site, then you must add a link to your blog post in the website option.
  • Share your blog post on What’sApp in the group related to your niche.
  • By doing it on Facebook Live, give information related to your blog posts and blogs to the audience and connect with them.
  • Create great info graphics suitable for sharing the content of the blog.
  • Link your blog to both YouTube videos and channels.
  • Join Facebook group related to your niche and stay active, but by helping the audience, you can drive traffic to your blog.

Using a message board or group

  • Share blog post in Facebook group.
  • Create your own Facebook group and share blog post in it with link.
  • Share blog posts in forums related to your niche.
  • Share your blog post on Reddit.

With the help of your blog

  • Increase email list.
  • Run Giveaway on your blog and collect the emails of the visitors who come through it.
  • Offer any free product to your audience on the blog.
  • Publish the interview of other good bloggers related to you on your blog and also inform that blogger by mailing the link.
  • Put the email subscriber box in a prominent place on your blog
  • Add social share button to your blog post.
  • Publish new blog post(s) on your blog regularly (at least once a week).
  • Create a forum on your blog site
  • Publish the interview of another blogger on your blog.
  • Publish the company and products tax review on the blog.
  • Update the content of your blog posts on a regular basis.

Ways to bring traffic by working outside the website

  • Start your own podcast.
  • Comment on your other blogs below.
  • You make a company’s product to it and let them share your experience.
  • Give away some of your eBook audiences for free.
  • Make guest posts on other blogs related to your niche.
  • Do cross promotion with the help of other websites.
  • Publish your content on medium.
  • Write guest posts for other blogs.
  • Invite another blogger to guest post on your blog.

Through SEO

  • Make the design of your blog SEO friendly.
  • Complete the on page SEO setting for your blog.
  • Write blog posts only after doing keyword research.
  • Target long tail keywords.
  • Do internal linking in blog posts.
  • Make sure to add the answer to the question People also ask in your blog post.
  • Submit your website to search engines.
  • Build quality backlinks for blog posts
  • Keep an eye on the blogs of your competitors and analyze them.
  • Publish exclusive content on your blog.
By following the above mentioned method, you can easily increase traffic to your blog and can also bring new visitors. Hope you have got some new information related to some new blog traffic in this post. If you have any question or suggestion regarding this article, then definitely tell by commenting.
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By admin Administrator
Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.